Eclipse · Latex

TeXlipse Plugin

TeXlipse is a plugin that adds LaTeX support to the Eclipse IDE. The best thing in TeXlipse is just drag the result from the Eclipse IDE console and paste in TeXlipse editor. No need to open other editor like (texStudio, TexCenter, TexWork etc)….. Below are the Configuration and installation steps: 1–> Open Eclipse IDE and click… Continue reading TeXlipse Plugin

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Eclipse · Hadoop · mahout · MAVEN · Ubuntu

Mahout Development Environment with Maven and Eclipse

Open Eclipse click on Help –> Install New Software –> Add.. Write maven in a Name Textbox and in Location Textbox Download mahout source from this locations Unzip it [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] ———————————————————————— [INFO] Reactor Summary: [INFO] ———————————————————————— [INFO] Apache Mahout ………………………………….. SUCCESS [1:19.380s] [INFO] Mahout Build Tools ……………………………… SUCCESS [0.051s] [INFO] Mahout Math… Continue reading Mahout Development Environment with Maven and Eclipse

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Eclipse · Java · Java Pathfinder · Model Checking · Ubuntu

Downlaod and Install Java Pathfinder (JPF) in Ubuntu 12.04

Step –>1 sudo apt-get install mercurial Step –> 2 Main files of Java Pathfinder is jpf-core and jpf-symbc(optional). Download from this site hg clone Step –>3 Site Configuration Create a site configuration file with the name ~/.jpf/ # JPF site configuration jpf-core = ${user.home}/home/saeediqbal/workspace/jpf-core # numeric extension jpf-numeric = ${user.home}/home/saeediqbal/workspace/jpf-numeric # symbolic extension jpf-symbc = ${user.home}/home/saeediqbal/workspace/jpf-symbc extensions=${jpf-core},${jpf-numeric},${jpf-symbc} #… and… Continue reading Downlaod and Install Java Pathfinder (JPF) in Ubuntu 12.04

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Eclipse · Ubuntu

Installing Eclipse Juno 4.2 in Ubuntu 12.04 or in Ubuntu 12.10

Step –>1 Download Eclipse Junu 4.2 from After Completion!!!!! Step –>2 Open Terminal (Ctrl+Alt +T) and type cd Downloads  # cd Downloads # tar xzf eclipse-SDK-4.2.1-linux-gtk-x86_64.tar.gz # mv eclipse /home/saeed/eclipse/ Step –>3 Use sudo if the above command gives permission denied message. # sudo mv eclipse /home/saeed/eclipse/ Step –>4 # sudo gedit /usr/share/applications/eclipse.desktop Step –>5  Copy the following codes and paste… Continue reading Installing Eclipse Juno 4.2 in Ubuntu 12.04 or in Ubuntu 12.10

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